
About Me

My mission is to advance the science of matter, life, death, and consciousness by sharing my understanding of the hard truth of everything. I am an explorer of the whole truth in a world full of segmented, fragmented, twisted, incomplete, skewed, or warped truths full of misinformation and sugar-coated narratives. I investigate truth while ignoring all the human mind's belief systems, illusions, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, or fancies.We human beings live in only two worlds: one is the physical world, and the other is the psychological world.Quantum mechanics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and neurology are all used to gain a better understanding of physical reality. To comprehend the psychological universe, I have only one tool at my disposal: my mind, which I use to monitor the production of everything in the mind and the mind itself. I have closely observed the phenomenon of thinking, which is a material activity in brain cells that forms psychological space and psychological time. Decoded thought, which is the basic unit of the psychological world. Dropped mind to perceive the true nature of mysterious consciousness. Finally, understanding the unknown (God)